How to Write Effective Meta Title: Tips & Best Practices

Updated: 06 Sep 2024


If you’ve ever searched for something on Google or any other search engine, you’ve noticed the blue text at the top of each result. 

That text, known as the “title,” is actually a meta title – a crucial element in optimizing your website for search engines and enticing users to click through to your content. 

In this article, we’ll explore what a meta title is and why it’s essential for your website’s SEO and user engagement. 

Don’t worry—we won’t get too technical. We’ll explain everything in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. 

So, let’s get started!

What is Meta Title?

Let’s start with the definition of “meta title.” In simple terms, a meta title, or an SEO title or title tag, is a snippet of text that tells search engines and users what your webpage is about. 

It’s part of the HTML code that goes in the head section of your webpage, and it’s displayed in the browser’s title bar and search engine results pages.

What is Meta Title?

But the meta title isn’t just a technical detail – it’s essential for your website’s success. It is a brief, self-referential description of your webpage that can significantly impact your website’s visibility and traffic. It can also entice users to click on your link instead of a competitor’s.

So, to sum it up, you should give it the attention it deserves when creating your website or optimizing your existing pages!

Importance of Meta Titles for SEO and User Experience

Guys, as you know, to get organic traffic to your site, you need to know about the main aspects of SEO and user experience so that you can optimize that factor more effectively for better ranking.

So, my dear folks, meta titles are significant for SEO (search engine optimization) and user experience. 

Now, why they are important, here’s your answer to why:

Meta Titles Importance in SEO:

  • Search engines rely heavily on meta titles to determine the topic and relevance of a webpage.
  • A well-written and optimized meta title can help your website rank higher in search engine results, resulting in more organic traffic and, eventually, more customers.
  • This is because search engines use the meta title to understand the content on your page and present it to users searching for it.

Meta Titles Importance in User Experience:

  • The meta title is often the first thing a user sees when they see your webpage listed in the search results.
  • A clear, descriptive, and compelling meta title will entice the user to visit your website, whereas a poorly written or generic title will not.
  • The meta title can significantly impact user engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and, ultimately, more revenue for your company.

Meta titles are essential for SEO and the user experience. Optimizing your meta titles for both people and search engines can make your page more visible and increase the likelihood that people will interact with and buy from it.

How to Write an Effective Meta Title?

Until now, you guys know what a meta title is and why it is crucial for your website, but here comes a question: how can you write the most effective meta title for your webpage? Are there some unique steps to follow? 

Obviously, yes, but what are those? Let me tell you. 

  1. Keep it concise (around 50-60 characters)
  2. Add relevant keywords 
  3. Communicate the main topic of page
  4. Use a unique title for each page
  5. Use proper capitalization and punctuation
  6. Include branding, if applicable
  7. Consider the search intent of the user

Yes, those are all great tips! Here’s a more detailed explanation of each point. 

1. Keep it concise (around 50-60 characters)

Both search engines and users like titles that are concise and to the point. A decent rule of thumb is to keep your meta title under 60 characters so that it appears in its whole on search engine results pages (SERPs).

2. Add relevant keywords

Adding relevant keywords in your meta title will help search engines digest your page’s content and increase your chances of ranking for those keywords. But avoid keyword stuffing, which can make your title appear spammy and hinder your SEO efforts.

3. Communicate the main topic of the page

Your webpage’s main topic or goal should be expressly stated in your meta title. This can increase click-through rates and assist users in determining whether your webpage is relevant to their search query.

4. Use a unique title for each page

Your website’s pages should each have a unique meta description. This makes it easier for search engines to distinguish between various pages and reduces confusion for website visitors.

5. Use proper capitalization and punctuation

Capitalization and punctuation in a meta title can make it appear more professional and readable. Employ title case (capitalize the first letter of each word, save for common words such as “the” and “and”) and avoid using exclamation points and other special characters excessively.

6. Include branding, if applicable

If your website or company has a well-known brand name, using it in the meta title can boost brand recognition and click-through rates. But do not sacrifice clarity or SEO for branding goals.

7. Consider the search intent of the user

Finally, it’s important to consider the user’s search intent when writing your meta title. What are they looking for, and how can your webpage address their needs? Including a relevant benefit or value proposition in your meta title can help entice users to click through to your site.

So, if you follow these steps, you can ensure that your web pages have the best meta titles.

But I know that you have many questions at this point, like, “Will making meta titles like this good for SEO?” Yes, but as a pro, you need to take more steps to make sure your headlines are optimized for SEO terms.

Here are some ways to optimize your meta titles.

Best Practices for Optimizing Meta Titles

Here are some steps by which you can optimize the meta titles best for SEO purposes, too.  By following these tips, you can make your meta titles SEO friendly. 

  1. Keyword Rich 
  2. Prioritize your keywords according to the SEO Plan
  3. Main or Important keywords should be in the first position
  4. Less Important keywords should be in the following positions
  5. If many short-tail keywords exist, merge them to make long-tail keywords 
  6. Do not use meaningless words inside the keywords to save our limited space
  7. Use two characters as a separator 

Let’s start learning each point in detail. 

  1. Keyword Rich

The meta title is one of the most critical elements in on-page SEO. It should contain relevant keywords that match the page’s content and reflect the user’s search intent and the page’s content.

  1. Prioritize your keywords according to SEO Plan

Prioritizing your keywords based on your SEO plan will ensure that the most important keywords are used in the meta title. It will also help to ensure that the page appears in relevant search results and attracts the right audience.

  1. Main or Important keywords should be in the first position

Placing the primary or most important keyword at the beginning of the meta title will increase its visibility and improve its relevance for search engines. For example:

Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name

But one thing to remember is to write title tags for humans. 

  1. Less Important keywords should be in the following positions

The remaining or secondary keywords should be placed in descending order of importance after the main keyword. This will help to ensure that the page ranks for relevant search terms.

  1. If there are many short-tail keywords, merge them to make long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific, targeted, and likely to attract qualified traffic. By merging multiple short-tail keywords, you can create a long-tail keyword that is more effective for SEO.

  1. Do not use meaningless words inside the keywords to save our limited space

Using meaningless or filler words in the meta title can reduce its effectiveness and limit the space for relevant keywords. It is best to avoid using words like “and,” “the,” and “of” and instead focus on using relevant and meaningful keywords.

  1. Use two characters as a separator in the meta title

Separating the keywords in the meta title with a separator like a pipe, hyphen, or dash will make it easier for search engines to understand the page’s content. It will also help make the meta title more readable and visually appealing.

After following these, all your titles are ready to display. 

Examples of Good and Bad Meta Titles

  • Showcase real-life examples of meta titles that are effective or not
  • Explain why each example is good or bad

Sure, here are some examples of good and bad meta titles, along with explanations of why each sample is good or bad:

Good Meta Titles:

Here are some perfect meta titles that effectively communicate the content:

Title 1: “Advantages & Disadvantages of Internet – Facts About Internet”

  • Topic communicated: Clearly indicates the content will cover the pros and cons of the Internet.
  • Includes facts: Adding “Facts About Internet” makes it more informative and valuable for readers.
  • Actionable and straightforward: The language is direct and tells readers exactly what they’ll learn.

Title 2: “Ultimate Guide to SEO: Boost Your Rankings and Drive Traffic”

  1. Topic communicated: Clearly identifies that the content is a comprehensive guide to SEO.
  2. Includes a benefit: Promises to help readers improve rankings and drive traffic, offering value.
  3. Comprehensive and actionable: Words like “Ultimate Guide” create an impression of thoroughness, making the content more appealing.

Title 3: “10 Delicious Vegetarian Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle”

  1. Topic communicated: Clearly about vegetarian recipes, targeting a specific audience.
  2. Includes a benefit: “For a healthy lifestyle” offers a clear advantage to the reader.
  3. Specific numbers: Using “10” creates a sense of specificity and urgency, making the title more clickable.

Bad Meta Titles:

Here are some examples of ineffective meta titles that fail to provide valuable information:

Title 1: “Welcome to My Website!”

  • Ineffective communication: Does not specify what the website is about or what the visitor will find.
  • Too vague: Provides no helpful information or incentive to click, making it unattractive to users.

Title 2: “My Company’s Products and Services”

  • Too broad: The title doesn’t explain what kind of products or services the company offers.
  • Lacks specifics: It’s not tailored to attract users searching for particular products or services.

Title 3: “Cool Stuff for Sale”

  • Generic and vague: The title doesn’t indicate what kind of products are being sold.
  • Lacks trustworthiness: It sounds spammy and doesn’t build confidence or provide a clear reason to click.

A good meta title should be specific, informative, and actionable. It should communicate the topic of the content, include a benefit, and use language that is easy to understand and relevant to the target audience.

 A bad meta title, on the other hand, is often too generic, vague, or promotional and doesn’t provide any useful information about the page’s content.

Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Meta Titles

Here are some tips and tricks; following them can get more clicks on your meta titles. 

  1. Descriptive 
  2. CTA Based 
  3. Up to Date
  4. Take Ideas from your Competitors
  5. Negative Statement
  6. Incomplete Fact 
  7. Re-evaluate CTR every month 
Tips for Optimizing Meta Title

Let’s cover each in detail. 

  1. Descriptive 

The meta title is the first thing a user sees in search results, so it should be clear in intent, concise, and easy to understand. 

It should accurately describe the page’s content so that users can quickly determine whether the page is relevant to their search query. A clear and descriptive meta title can also help to improve click-through rates (CTR) and provide a better user experience.

Example: “10 Tips for Improving Your SEO Rankings”

  1. CTA Based 

Call-to-action (CTA) is a technique that encourages users to take a specific action, such as clicking on a link or filling out a form.

 A meta title that includes emotional words or phrases, facts, questions, numbers, or promising statements can attract user attention and entice them to click through to the page. However, the meta title should not be misleading or overly sensational, as this can harm the user experience and result in high bounce rates.

Example: “Unlock the Secrets to Boosting Your Website Traffic Today!”

  1. Up to Date

The information on a web page may become outdated over time, reducing its relevance to search queries. 

It’s essential to keep your meta titles up-to-date to accurately reflect your page’s current content. This can involve changing the meta title when the page’s content is updated or new information becomes available.

Example: “Latest Strategies for Building a Successful E-Commerce Business in 2024”

  1. Take Ideas from your Competitors

Researching your competitors’ meta titles can provide valuable insights into the keywords and language they use to target their audience. 

This information can be used to create meta titles that are more compelling and relevant to your target audience. However, it’s important not to copy your competitors’ meta titles directly, as this can harm your search engine rankings and result in duplicate content penalties.

Example: “5 Creative Ways to Boost Your Social Media Engagement – Learn from the Best!”

  1. Negative Statement

Using negative statements in meta titles can be tricky, as they can attract or repel users. 

Negative statements can highlight a problem that your content solves or create a sense of urgency. However, avoiding overly negative or controversial language is essential, as this can harm the user experience and result in high bounce rates.

Example: “Why Your Current SEO Strategy is Failing – and How to Fix It”

  1. Incomplete Fact

Incomplete facts can be used in meta titles for news-related websites to generate curiosity and encourage users to click through to the page. 

However, it’s crucial to ensure that the incomplete fact is relevant to the page’s content and not misleading or overly sensational.

Example: “Breaking News: Major Tech Company Set to Make Groundbreaking Announcement Tomorrow”

  1. Re-evaluate CTR every month 

It’s important to monitor the CTR of your meta titles regularly to identify any patterns or trends affecting their performance. 

If a meta title has a low CTR, it’s crucial to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) to determine its underlying reasons. This can involve changing the meta title, the content on the page, or the overall user experience.

Example: “Why Your Meta Titles Are Failing – Tips for Conducting a Root Cause Analysis”

Why Google Sometimes Ignores Your Meta Titles?  

There can be several reasons why Google may choose to ignore your meta titles:

  • Duplicate or low-quality content: If your content has duplicate or low-quality meta titles, Google may choose to ignore them.
  • Keyword stuffing: If you stuff too many keywords in your meta titles, Google may consider them spammy and choose to ignore them.
  • Incorrect format: If your meta titles are incorrect or not optimized for search engine optimization, Google may choose to ignore them.
  • Over-optimization: If you have over-optimized your meta titles for SEO purposes, Google may choose to ignore them.
  • Dynamic titles: If your website generates dynamic meta titles, Google may ignore them if they do not meet users’ search intent.


Meta titles are a crucial aspect of on-page SEO that significantly improves a website’s ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). They are the first thing that users see when they search, and they provide a brief overview of what a page is about. 

Therefore, crafting meta titles that concisely and accurately describe a page’s content is essential.

I encourage you to review and optimize your meta titles to ensure they effectively communicate the content of your pages to users and search engines. 


Here are some of the most commonly asked questions related to meta titles:

What is a meta title?

A meta title is the title that appears in search engine results. It tells people and search engines what your page is about and helps users quickly understand if the page matches what they are looking for.

Where is the meta title displayed?

The meta title is displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline. It also appears at the top of the browser tab when someone visits the webpage, helping users quickly identify its content.

How do you write a meta title example?

A meta title example should follow the “Primary Keyword—Secondary Keyword | Brand Name” format to provide a clear and concise content description. Always target your primary keyword in the beginning. 

How long should a meta title be?

A meta title should be 50-60 characters long. This ensures that it fits well in search results without getting cut off. Keeping it short also makes it easy for users to read and understand quickly.

Can I use keywords in my meta title?

Yes, you should use important keywords in your meta title. This helps your page show up when people search for those terms. Using relevant keywords can also improve your page’s ranking in search results.

How do I create a good meta title?

To create a good meta title, use your main keyword and make the title short and clear. It should tell people what the page is about in a few words. Avoid making it too complicated so it’s easy to understand.

Can I change my meta title?

Yes, you can change your meta title if needed. However, changing it can affect your SEO and how search engines rank your page. Make sure any changes still accurately reflect the content.

What happens if my meta title is too long?

Search engines might cut it off if your meta title is too long. This means people won’t see the full title in search results. It can also make your title less effective in attracting clicks.

How often should I update my meta title?

You should update your meta title when your page’s content changes or you want to improve SEO. Keeping it fresh and relevant helps maintain or improve your page’s search ranking. However, avoid changing it too frequently without reason.

Does changing my meta title affect SEO?

Yes, changing your meta title can affect your SEO. A better meta title can help more people find your page in search results. It’s important to ensure it still matches your page’s content.

Ghulam Abbas

Ghulam Abbas

Engr Ghulam Abbas is an SEO expert & multidimensional blogger. He is also a professional SEO trainer with 5,000+ students. You can find his proven strategies and techniques on FB Group & YT Channel: "Learn with GA" and this website.

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